One of the main items I was hoping to purchase in London that I was unable to was some new running trainers. Over exams my housemate bought some new Nike Free trainers and I was so jealous. She told me excitedly about how great her run had been, how she had felt no pain and like she was running barefoot. The fatal moment was when she let me try them on. There was no way I was going back to running in my old trainers, I was going to treat myself to some new ones too. I like to think of it as an investment into my goal of having a Victoria Secret model body and sticking them on my credit card means I don’t have to worry about the cost for a little while. I had planned to buy them in Nike Town on Oxford Street but sadly they were all out of stock, so I came home went online and a few days later they arrived, a pair of Nike Free 5.0+ in black. That afternoon I pulled on my running gear, plugged in my music, switched off all thoughts of work and ran. Ellie hadn’t over-exaggerated; I truly had a great run. It may not have been my quickest or longest run (until then I hadn’t run since before Christmas!) but it was the most comfortable by far. I am so pleased with them and I can’t wait to go back out in them later today.

PS You could see I was excited by my Nikes given the Instagram I posted as soon as I got home from my run, which you can see at the bottom of the page.